Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Great Deal for You and Boston Terriers!!

I am SO excited about this!! I just got my first issue of ALL YOU Magazine...if you haven't heard of it... listen up!! This magazine rocks!! This issue ALONE has over $110 worth of coupons!! After seeing it for myself...I had to contact the rep, and I am so excited to tell you that she is offering my readers TWO YEARS of this magazine for $17.95 AND $1.00 from every subsciption ordered will go directly to one of my very favorite charities: American Boston Terrier Rescue (ABTR). These folks do some really special things for some special pups!!! This magazine will pay for itself in the first issue...I promise
(I know several gals that get several copies per month because of the savings!) I know I sound like an infomercial, but I am over the top excited about this deal!!!
How cool is this??? CLICK HERE to check out all the coupons that were in JUST this month's issue....and besides that ... it is a great read! You WON'T find a better deal!

Ordering Instructions:
Go to the Southern Living at HOME website.
Note: You must use this link to get the discounted price!
Click on Our Products in the left-hand column and then How To Purchase.Type in Keri Lyn in the hostess first name field then click Continue.Select SheSaved.
In the search box type 40776 then click Go.Click on All You Personal Subscription then Select this Item.Select Finalize and Submit Your Order and follow the screens through to checkout!
Do not select Direct Ship – the $10 shipping fee is not applicable to magazines.
You are welcome to order other items/products from the catalog but you will have to pay the $10 direct ship for that part of the order.
Your order and the invoice will show $19.95 as the price – I will discount the price after your order is submitted.

Please pay with a credit/debit card during checkout. Do not click submit more than once as this can cause multiple charges.

You can expect your first issue to arrive approximately 6-8 weeks after we submit the order to ALL YOU. Orders will be submitted on the 1st and 15th of the month.